My order is still in transit. What does my tracking status mean?
If you want to know where your package is in transit, what a tracking update means, or what your order status is after it's shipped, you're in the right place! 🙂
Depending on your carrier and shipping method, you may see more or less tracking updates. In some cases, you may not see more than one or two tracking updates before your order is delivered.
You can reference the chart below, which will explain the meaning of common tracking updates. If you have additional questions or concerns, please let us know!
Tracking status | Meaning |
Arrival Notice | Notification provided by the carrier when a shipment has arrived to the consignee or notify party. |
Arrival Scan | Your package has been scanned at a local facility. |
Arrived at overseas | Your package has arrived in your country. |
Arrived at post office | Your package has arrived at your Post Office and is being prepared for delivery. The package should arrive today or the next postal business day. |
Arrived Shipping Partner Facility, Awaiting Item | The carrier does not have your package in hand just yet! Your package is still with the original shipping carrier, but will be handed off to a local delivery service soon. |
Arrived at sort facility | Your package has arrived at the sorting facility of the first gate of your country. It will be checked and routed to your city destination. |
Available for Pickup | Your package is ready to be picked up from a local facility. This could be due to issues with locating your shipping address. Once the package is "Available for Pickup", it cannot be redelivered. Please be sure you bring your tracking number and photo ID when you arrive to pick up your package. |
Awaiting Delivery Scan / Delivery Status Not Updated | Your package is almost out for delivery. It's likely you'll see an update to your tracking details within the next 24-48 hours. |
Clearance Event | The package is in the customs, and it hasn't been released yet. |
Clearance processing complete | Your package successfully passed the clearance process. |
Cleared customs | Your package went through customs. |
Customs status updated | Customs have processed your package. |
Delivered to a UPS Access Point | Your package was delivered to the UPS Access Point indicated by your UPS My Choice account. Your package is ready to be picked up at your earliest convenience. |
Departure to a country of destination | Your package is on its way to the destination country. |
DHL needs further information from the importer | You don't need to provide any further information or contact DHL. The status should clear automatically. |
Exception | Your package is temporarily stalled in transit for an unforeseen reason, which could delay when it arrives at its destination. |
Exported to opened | Your package was returned to the origin country. |
Forwarded to a third party agent | Your package is being transferred to a local carrier. |
Further consignee information needed | Further information from the receiver is required. This will generally mean confirmation of the destination address details in situations where the carrier deems the current information to be incorrect or incomplete. |
Insert item into bag (Otb) | Your package was shipped outside the country. |
Insufficient Address / No Such Number | The shipping carrier was not able to locate your address based on the delivery address provided. |
Into customs | Your package goes through customs. |
Label Created | The label for your package has been printed, but has not yet been scanned in at the first sorting facility in transit. |
Manifested by Shipper | Documents for your package have been generated by the shipper containing shipment information. |
No Access to Delivery Location | Your package could not be delivered to your delivery location (mailbox, porch, garage, etc.) Common reasons are: a vehicle blocking your mailbox, loose dog or other animal interference, address is in a gated community or locked building we could not get into, public utility work, or emergency responders. |
Notice Left (No Authorized Recipient Available) | If your package required a signature, this means no one was available to sign for it. Your package may be sent to a nearby facility for pick up. |
Notice Left (No Secure Location Available) | The delivery driver was not able to deliver your package. Your package may be sent to a nearby facility for pick up. |
Out for Delivery | Your package has left the last sorting facility before reaching your delivery address. |
Out for delivery / Arrived at delivery facility | Your package has arrived! |
Poste Restante | Your package will wait at the destination post office until the addressee collects it. |
Redelivery Scheduled | Your package's delivery date has been rescheduled. |
Redirected | The delivery company was unable to deliver to the address provided, but they will try to redeliver. |
Returned back to sender | Your package has been returned and will not be delivered. |
Shipment has been given a release by customs | Customs have inspected your parcel and cleared it for delivery. |
Shipment information received / Item is pre-advised / Shipping Label Created | The shipping label has been printed on the package, and it is waiting for a courier to pick it up. |
Shipment on hold | Your package is in a holding area with other packages waiting to be moved between sorting facilities. |
Shipment picked up | Your package has been picked up by a courier. |
Shipped/On the Way | Your package is in the hands of the shipping company, and it's in transit to you. Some packages may not have any additional updates until they've reached the last facility before delivery. |
Short Carton | Your package was not accounted for, or may be damaged. |
Unsuccessful delivery attempt | There were some problems with the delivery, but the courier will try to redeliver. |
With delivery courier / In transit / In progress | The delivery courier is bringing your package to your address. |